Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Job and Life Rules to Follow

Decide which game to play. Is winning that important all of the time?

Jump in, ready or not. Take risks, you may not be able to tomorrow.

Keep on truckin'. You know the highway, keep up with the flow.

Grab opportunities. Can you recognize one or are you always thinking about it?

No excuses allowed. Of course not, don't whine either.

Ignore naysayers. They don't know any more than you do.

Never personalize. It's just a game, your next boss may be around the corner.

Whistle while you work!

Don't yell fire when you're downsized.

Smiling helps a lot.

By: Marilyn J. Tellez, M.A.
Certified Career Coach
email is:
web is:

MJT Consulting
302 Park Avenue
Yakima, WA 98902

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tools for Constructing the Road to Success

Too many times in the pursuit of our dreams, we loose sight of the total picture and instead settle on a small piece of it. A job, any job, whether it is in the conventional job market or any one of a number of work from home ventures all require the same thing - people of vision.

Vision sees the entire portrait, balanced, controlled, and proportionate while focus concentrates solely on one aspect of the portrait. Don't misunderstand, having focus is not a bad thing as long as it doesn't loose sight of vision.

In building your road to success you must take several things into account if you want your road to remain stable and strong. These are;


Ask yourself the following questions. Why do you want to go into business? Where do you want to be in 3 months, 6 months and 1 year? What will it take to get you there? Do you believe in what you're selling? Think about these and write down your answers. They will be the foundation upon which the rest of your business goals will be built.

Knowledge Base:

What we want to know here is how well you know your subject. Are you familiar with the products or services you will be representing? Do you have immediate access to training materials and technical support if you need it? Do you know where to get the materials and training? Have you researched your subject? As you are going to build these roads to success for yourself approach this part of your learning curve with a child like appetite for knowledge. You can never have enough tools! Just make sure they're the one's you need for the task at hand.

Using Your Resources:

A good manager regardless of industry knows his people. He knows their strengths and their weaknesses and will use these resources appropriately in helping his team achieve a particular goal. That same manager if he's true to himself, will also recognize his own weaknesses and strengths and surround himself with knowledgeable people that will offset or compliment the team.


You have to realistically find out what drives or motivates you towards success. For each one of us it will be something different. Maybe you're looking for financial freedom, extra time to enjoy life or perhaps you've just had enough of the rat race. Whatever your reasons, write them down and keep them somewhere so you can see them. If you're looking at a new car or house, cut out their picture and put them on your "wish" board so you can see what you're working towards.

Brass Tacks:

Finally, if we're going to put this all together we need to learn how to lead. But before we can do that, we need to learn how to follow first. Great leaders, people in authority, business owners and Entrepreneurs all need to learn how to temper their judgment with wisdom. We can learn a lot from people just by using our senses. Take a moment to stand back, listen, observe. By doing so, you are literally guaranteeing your success.

Keeping The Road On Terra Firma:

A final thought on keeping your "Road" on solid ground. You've got your objectives identified, your resources have come together nicely and everything is starting to gel - at the end of your day you need to ask; would I hire myself? If you have trouble answering that, start over again with the basics and re-examine your motivations and your goals. Be honest with yourself then move on. The road will have bumps. That's to be expected. Don't let these bog you down - use them to your advantage! If you think about it, that's the beauty of a mistake, it can be your best friend or worst enemy depending upon how you approach it.

Business Ethics:

I couldn't let this article go without mentioning business ethics - a trait that seems to be sorely misunderstood, often abused, and seldom used. If you don't possess a strong business ethic, in the end you will be found out and your credibility will be forever damaged. Too many times ethics are driven by politics within an office atmosphere to the point where the mission statement is just that - a statement and nothing more.

To many times I have sat in on meetings that either discussed rules, company ethics or customer service. I have also attended several seminars in which these themes were quite prevalent. What always amazed me however is that the "new" and "improved" ways of attracting customers or quality associates to your business were the same things that were in practice over 30 years ago! Someone tried to re-invent the wheel, re-packaged it in something shiny and is selling it to you as the cure for all your business woes.

Above all else, always remember that regardless of your business or station in life, you are a consumer and as such you should have a pretty good idea of your likes and dislikes.

While the statement "honesty is the best policy" is nothing new, my grandfather telling me it was always easier to tell the truth because a lie would always have to be remembered so it could be told over and over again, is new - not to me, but to others.

Something will have to drive you to the front away from the pack! What will it be? Each of use must choose those attributes and find the combination that will work but we must never loose sight of our goals or "sell" our souls to achieve them.

Regardless of what you may think, you can not teach someone Honor, Integrity, Loyalty or Truthfulness. They either have it or they don't. Remember, while you can lead a horse to water, you can't make him drink however, you can make him thirsty!

Chas is a Home Based Business Owner, Motivational Writer, and an Independent SFI Marketing Representative and may be reached at; or

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Vision -- What Are You Doing Today Towards Achieving Your Vision?

Every man who accomplishes things sees first in his mind what he wishes to do. He puts away all doubt. It makes no difference how small or how large the thing you want to do may be; if you have an unlimited confidence in your ability to do it, you will do it. - Charles Fillmore

By definition, vision is a future orientation, a broad stroke picture that serves as the basis for making decisions or taking actions towards achieving the vision. In order for a vision to become a reality, there are certain elements that must be present.

Most importantly, the vision must be anchored in truth. If there is no or little truth, the vision will not be obtainable. For example: If a client says that she wants to be an opera singer despite the fact that she truly can't sing-can't carry a tune, has no pitch, etc. it's not impossible for her to achieve some level of singing ability with singing lessons. However, the struggle and the reality is so far fetched, that it really doesn't make sense to have this as an aspiration.

Accordingly, it would be important to find out just what she would hope to gain or could expect her life to be like as an opera singer. Upon investigation and exploration, it would be discovered that she loves to be on stage, get attention, and perform in some way. Those qualities can be used in many ways besides being an opera singer - and surely would be anchored more in truth.

It is also important that the vision is aligned with your purpose in life. If she wants to make this world a better place by sharing her talents and gifts, then singing would probably not be a wise choice. On the other hand, if she chooses some form of teaching and reaching many people so that she is sharing her ideas and wisdom, she's probably aligned with her purpose. Perhaps some form of public speaking might be more appropriate.

A vision must be exciting and compelling. If not, there is no incentive to take steps towards making it happen. If she chose to have a vision of becoming a nurse and caring for sick people when in fact, she doesn't particularly enjoy being around sick people, it's not going to pull her forward to wanting it to become a reality. In fact, there will most likely be lots of struggle and sabotaging along the way. Could it be a possible vision with truth? "Yes, but..." She could learn nursing and she could care for sick people, and it does align with her vision of sharing talents and gifts, BUT for her, it's not exciting or compelling. Therefore, the chances of her finishing the necessary course work aren't great and even if she did, it would feel more like drudgery.

So in creating a vision, it's important to think about what experience you would like to have. It would be helpful to notice and check if it's anchored in truth - for you. Does it align with your purpose? Is it compelling and exciting to you? Could it pull you forward and be an incentive and is it motivating you to wanting to take steps towards it?

Invitation to Experiment: Create a vision for your life. Include the type of experiences you want to have - include ALL of the elements possible: such as where you will be living, how you will be living, with whom, what type of work you'll be doing, etc. Don't leave anything out from your dream. Once it's crafted, look at the truth in it. Does it align with your truth? Look at your purpose for being on the planet. Does it align with your purpose? And lastly, is it exciting and compelling? Could it motivate and inspire you to take steps to move towards it? If so, take your first step, and then the next. It may at first seem like a pipe dream, but if it's aligned and compelling enough, it can become reality. You may modify your vision along the way, but all the while, you are moving towards a life that truly fits who you are and what you want.

Marion Franklin - is a Professional Certified Life Coach who coaches individuals and groups regarding personal and professional change, focus, human relations, and conflict management. Marion has coached managers at major corporations including PepsiCo, Toys'R'Us, and Reader's Digest. She conducts and help clients design workshops and presentations, has been a featured presenter at meetings, retreats, and an ongoing Women's Workshop Series, has been cited in The Journal News and The Wall Street Journal, and has appeared on local Cable Television.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Self-Improvement Secrets

* Perfectionism is a time waster.

Strive for excellence on important issues and ordinary best for everyday tasks. Do not waste your time on needless details.

* Be flexible.

Organize things the way they work for you. The principle of organizing is to be able to find what you want when you want it.

* Simplify.

No matter how much you seek change, it is impossible if there is no room for change. Busyness and over spending leaves you feeling overwhelmed, stressed and yearning for a simpler life. Letting go of clutter and attachments can be painful. Ask for help. Consider a trusted friend, family member or professional organizer who can keep you focused. (Telephone and email coaching are available. For more information contact:

* Clean out your closets.

Take time to remove what you no longer wear or use. Statistics show that we wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time. That means that there are a whole lot of clothes just waiting for the infrequent occasion to wear them. Do you really need to keep so many?

* Measure progress in terms of percentages.

The point of Self-Improvement is to increase your batting average. Changing a habit 10% of the time is a positive step in the right direction. Give yourself credit for the progress you are making. (Ty Cobb, baseball's legendary all-time leading hitter, had a lifetime batting average of 367, which means nearly five out of eight times at bat he made an out.)

* Treat yourself kindly.

Positive self-talk produces better results than degradation. ("I have missed more than 9000 shots in my career; I have lost almost 300 games; on 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game winning shot...and missed; I have failed over and over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed," states Michael Jordan, basketball's greatest.)

* Someone once said, "It is not how much you make that counts, it is how much you KEEP."

Pay attention to where you are spending and start a savings plan with spare change. It will mount up and your abundance will grow.

* Relax.

Stress depletes the immune system. Seek balance in your life and learn deep breathing exercises. Press your tongue onto the roof of your mouth and slowly breathe in through your nose continuing until you are fully inflated. Hold and notice how much oxygen you bring into your starving tissues. Release your breath by exhaling through your mouth. Repeat as often as necessary.

* Laugh.

Why does it feel so good to laugh? Because endorphins are released from the brain every time you do it. Endorphins have a morphine-like affect and are often referred to as the body's own opiates. Endorphin pushers: smiling and laughing, exercising, positive thinking, connecting with family and friends, celebrations, receiving recognition and experiencing nature up close and personal.

* Get a life!

This clichй is usually said with sarcasm. However, it is actually very good advice. Are you among the multitude that invests in an abundant lifestyle? Do you think you need that new car, boat or expensive vacation to feel successful? Would life be perfect if you had that new suit, a diamond ring or a bigger TV? Our homes have become a warehouse for possessions that enhance our lifestyle but fall short of enhancing our life.

* Choose to be happy.

Happiness is not found in ownership of material possessions. Rather, it comes from deep within. Each morning make a conscious decision to have a good day. Instead of waiting for things to get better, be grateful for what you already have. "Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get," stated Dale Carnegie, 1888-1955, American Author and Self-Improvement Trainer

Judith Kirk, owner of provides coaching in simplification and organization mastery. She uses a holistic approach to teach life management skills and assures an immediate physical, emotional and psychological payoff when chaos and clutter are eliminated. The impact of simplifying and organizing renews the spirit and builds confidence. Order is the foundation upon which to build inner peace, contentment and joy in life. Subscribe to Free monthly newsletter at

Monday, October 5, 2009

Wait, Thats Not on the Map

Back from my amazing summer excursion, a month long drive through Spain! Well, I mean, I didn't do any of the driving, my partner did. See, I only know how to drive an automatic and since we have a stick here in Belgium, my partner kindly agreed to do all the driving. In total it ended up being close to 5000 kilometers and he did beautifully without so much as a complaint. Nice, huh?

My part in this adventure was to be the navigator. A role that I take with great relish and responsibility! I had my several large maps along with the trip planner for each leg printed out from the internet. I would sit in the passenger seat with the big detail map open on my lap and the turn by turn internet guide at close reach (oh, and I was also in charge of the CD's - but I digress).

Everything all prepared for, right? No surprises, right? Well, not exactly. While we were totally prepped about 80% of the time, there were still a few glitches. Occasionally, the signs on the roads - I mean even the road numbers - were different than what they were supposed to be. We would be going along just fine and then everything would change suddenly and without warning. No names or directions or numbers matched anything remotely familiar. I, of course, went into a tizzy. Flipping pages, shuffling papers, barking at Brad all because I was venturing into uncharted territory.

I mean I was ticked! This was absolutely not the way it was supposed to be. Those silly traffic people putting up these confusing signs - I mean, didn't they know what I needed? Thus I began the "blame game" - the stupid internet map people, the stupid sign people, the stupid government and finally, stupid me. (Hmmm, coaching opportunity here? Read on.)

Then there was the event of entering a new city for the first time. More often than not, while our maps were terrific they did not give the detail that we needed in each individual city to be able to totally navigate where we wanted to go. The internet map was our savior here, but still... in every city the street signs were in different places and the names for the streets weren't always what we were expecting. Picture this: two guys and their dog, in some big city in Spain circling on one of those "roundabouts" over and over trying to figure out which off-shoot we should take and which direction all the while dodging incoming and out going drivers who grew up on these roads and are late for work. I hope that image makes you smile, it does me - at least now looking back.

Inevitably, we always made it to our destination and usually without a hitch. In fact sometimes, when things would look hopeless and nothing was familiar, we would wander and see what came up and strangely enough all of a sudden we would be right where we needed to be and in a better spot than we could have ever planned with all the maps in the world.

I learned several things from this that actually shook me up a bit. Here are a few of the lessons that I got:
 If you stare at the route on the map too much you miss some amazing scenery.
 Most of the time, the signs are very clear and point you in the direction of the destination. When they don't, you can choose to a) get all agitated and scared fearing that you might "fall of the edge of the earth," or b) adventure into the unknown, look for things you recognize and back track when necessary - remember the world won't come to an end.
 When you are stuck on a roundabout and you feel the pressure of everyone else zipping in and out on familiar territory, remember that a) with time, this can become familiar territory for you too; b) the roundabout is there to help you get where you want to go; c) after a couple spins around, make a decision and go for it - after all you can always back track!
 New situations can be disorienting. Accept that and relax into the adventure as best you can.
 Learn to drive a stick when you are young - not profound but simply the truth!

Next time we will talk about the joys of wandering and finding unexpected gems! Below you will find some experiments to help you enjoy the journey more and worry less!

Some Experiments

Are you so focused on the "route" and how you will get to your goals that you lose sight of the scenery around you? Plan for the future with focus and determination but LIVE in the moment. Journal regularly on what is happening now and pick out the special lessons that you learn on the way to your goals. Often they are more valuable than the goal itself.

When things aren't as they should be what or who do you blame? Circumstances, others, situations, even yourself? Sure there are reasons and explanations that we can use to learn for the future but sometimes we use blame as an excuse to stay suck right where we are. What if for this month you promised not to blame anyone of anything? Instead, all you did was use your non-judgmental self to collect the information that comes in and then made a choice. Look and see what kind of freedom that gives you and keep a journal to see the results.

What lessons do YOU see for yourself that come up around this article? Put together a program for this month that is tailor made to what you need to learn. E-mail me what exercise you come up with.

© 2004 by Roger DeWitt & Life Artistry Coaching. Roger is a certified life and business coach working with people to change their thinking so they can change their lives! Sign up for his monthly "5 Minute Success Tips" at

Friday, October 2, 2009

Creating A Life You Love

Imagine that right now, right here, today? there is within your grasp not one but several opportunities to redesign specific aspects of your life so that the sum total is a life you absolutely love. Then imagine that the only thing standing between you and your opportunities is a closed mind, fear, habits, concern, worry, drama, or perhaps mental, physical, and emotional clutter. Do you know what a default is? It's what you get when you don't choose to get something else and for most of us a default life is average and mediocre with sprinkles of joy in between. A default life is living for the weekend. A default like is hanging on 'til retirement. A default life is waiting for the kids to grow up, move out, and finish college. A default life is waiting, and waiting, and waiting for things to get better someday?one day.

Most people don't accidentally have a great life, a great job, a great marriage, a great body, or great children. I don't know about you but I am not touched, moved, or inspired by mediocrity. I don't aspire to live an average life, with an average job, and celebrate twenty-something anniversaries in an average marriage. My spirit longs for relationships and experiences that cause me to love deeply, grow profoundly, and see the magnificence in all of life. I can't have that kind of life if I am settling for the default. My name is Robin Harris and I am a coach, an author, a certified Highlands Natural Abilities Counsultant, and I am the CEO of DesignerLife, a transformational business dedicated to helping individuals live by design; not by default. And today I just want to talk to you about designing a life you absolutely love. I call it the DesignerLife.

What's a DesignerLife? Think of a piece of art that is not only beautiful but extremely functional. Just like a beautiful warm and cozy home provides sanctuary and focus for a family, a DesignerLife provides sanctuary and focus for the soul. Just like each room in that house has its own motif and purpose, each area of the DesignerLife has its own motif and purpose. Just like all of the rooms together, even the hallways and pantry make up the house, all of the areas of our lives make up the DesignerLife. A DesignerLife has been lovingly designed and architected to honor your best and your highest good and it includes spiritual hallways and pantries, too. Mmm, it sounds wonderful, doesn't it?

I want you to consider a show home that has never been lived in. Everything is just so beautifully pristine and sterile. That's because it's for show but when the family moves in they bring their energy, their style, their nuances, their touch and the house becomes a home. It's not perfect?but it is. It's not immaculate buts it's naturally inviting. The DesignerLife is a life you design that is natural, expanding, and very, very inviting not only to you but to other sojourners, also. We have so long been looking to the system, the companies we work for, the businesses we have built, the country we live in to sustain our way of life. Today is a new day, and the comfort of what we knew has passed away, it's time to excavate, renovate, and develop our most precious resources: our soul's dreams, our natural gifts, and our talents. It's time for us to evolve to the next level and some sojourners are going to go kicking and screaming, and some won't go at all. You probably thought the creation was completed millions of years ago, oh no. Human's are still in process and every so often life says "hold on, wait a minute, it's time to shift and leap baby". You can plod along for only so long before life demands that you run fast or get eaten. The new paradigm is not for survivors, it's for thrivers; people who are ready to unleash their potential into the world.

You see, the magnificent being that you are is not your doing. You didn't design it, you didn't create it, so there no reason to be arrogant about it. It's a gift. Don't just say thank you. Gratitude is only the beginning, there's also a measure of responsibility and accountability that fall on the shoulders of the gifted. And we all are gifted. It is our responsibility to nurture our magnificence, to develop it, and express it profoundly in the world that we live in. Your magnificence is not only going to give you a life you love, it's going to touch, move and inspire others. Divine intention will have your be great in ways you cannot even imagine. Divine intention will have your biggest mistakes sow seeds of wisdom and contribution to other. Divine intention will have you become the student and the teacher in life's next evolution. The next evolution will have human beings manifest the Creator's abundant, loving, creative nature.

What would it look like to have a life you absolutely love? When you really think about it, I mean see it with your minds eye, in living Technicolor, it should be so awesome it sends chills up your spine. I'm not talking about a superficial life where people are pretending to be happy, pretending that the marriage is working, pretending that the kids aren't driving them crazy, pretending that life is in order when chaos is actually the king. I'm not talking about having more, more, more while feeling less, less, less. I'm talking about a life where your soul is satisfied. This is a life where you have peace of mind, finances in order, and a healthy mind, body, and spirit. This is a life with relationships that inspire and stimulate you, intimacy that heals and thrills you, and family and community for mutual love and support. This is a life complete with meaningful and fulfilling work that uses your gifts and talents and honors your uniqueness. This is a life where there is adequate time for self-nourishment, self-investment, fun and relaxation. And? this is a life where you receive an abundance of joy by contributing to the well being of others who are on the planet with you now, as well as those who will be coming in the future.

I can't tell you the details of your DesignerLife. I can't tell you how living a life you absolutely love will show up for you. I only know that the process of designing that kind of life will rock your world. I know somebody out there is saying, pfff you must be dreaming? and my response is "yes, and your point is?"

You see if it were left up to the practical people, the realists of the world, we'd still be huddled in a cold cave without a fire to warm us. I'm not just a dreamer, oh no: I'm a possibility chick with a plan. You see a designer life is not just about dreaming about it, thinking about it, longing for it, hoping for it, praying for it. A DesignerLife is about intention; the kind of intention that produces action, the kind of action that produces results.

The road less traveled is full of uncertainty, but the other road, the popular one can only take you where you've already been. Having an extraordinary life, a life you absolutely love is gonna seem like way too much work to the average person. It's not going to appeal to the person courting mediocrity. It's not going to excite the person who is content with waiting for some day, one day. It doesn't call to the practical or the realist. So if you fall into one of these categories, cover your ears cause this message isn't for you. I'm talking to the people who caught a glimpse of possibility for their own life, for the sojourners who are ready to unleash their potential out in the real world, and for the people who can't stand the thought of settling for the default life.

The message I want to bring to you is simple. Your most challenging obstacle is not the present or past circumstances of your life, the things you did or didn't do, it's not your age, your gender, your race, it's not the naysayers or critics or the practical realist who are convinced your dreams and aspirations are a waste of time, oh these are all challenges to be dealt with on their own terms but by far the biggest challenge you will face is your own self doubt, lack of commitment, and fear. Getting over yourself is the single most forwarding action you can take to move toward your own magnificence. I want to ask you for a huge favor and here it is?Get over yourself and just be magnificent.

Robin Harris is a DesignerLife Coach who work with client's who are ready to live by design; not by default. Contact Robin via web site or by email at